Commercials and Ads



As you can see in the advertisements above, Aunt Jemima was not meant for African- Americans, it was meant for white families. These ads implicated to Americans that the women was supposed to cook for the hard working men and their children, and this was only done in white homes. Although the face behind the brand in these commercials is an African American woman- Aunt Jemima- not a single African American was shown in either of these commercials, nor the other commercials I could find. The only women that was shown in these ads were the married, innocent white women whom were cooking for their families. Aunt Jemima, as well as these ads, indicate to America that the woman is supposed to happily “slave” away in the kitchen for their families.

Below, I added some interesting ads I found of Aunt Jemima- where she is once again, de-sexualized and presented as a smiling, eager to serve slave figure that is representative of “mammy”.


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